Sunday, December 25, 2011

Episode 25! The Ramifications of a New Day! (Merry Santa Claus Day!)

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Here at the Jim & Frank compound, we've wracked our brains in search of a special holiday gift for our fan(s?).

Our prayers were perhaps over-answered. A thumb drive appeared in the mail last week, and with it a terse note:

Please broadcast this.
Make Gersh proud.
This is what he would have wanted.

- Clarence Dagnovovich

The device held 45 minutes of the sonorous, imposing voice of the inimitable Gershon Verne. These were recordings done in 1995 for Mr. Verne's aborted memoirs, "A Humble Magpie."

Why the book was never finished is anyone's guess. These rich, rambling selections reveal the true Verne: overbearing yet endearing, humble yet egotistical, cohesive yet incoherent. We think Gersh is a national treasure, and we are honored to share these raw ingots of wisdom from this ragged Renaissance Gentleman! Happy 2012 to you all- and we'll be back with new podcasts in the coming weeks and months.

Ponder the ramifications of a new day...